Goniometer Light Measurement: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction to goniometer light measurement

goniometer light measurement is a process used to measure the light output of LED luminaires. It is a step-by-step process that involves the use of a goniometer, a device that measures the angle of light emitted from a light source. This process is used to determine the light output of LED luminaires and to ensure that they meet the required standards. In this article, we will discuss the steps involved in goniometer light measurement and how to test LED luminaires.

Steps for goniometer light Measurement

1. Set up the goniometer: The first step in goniometer light measurement is to set up the goniometer. This involves positioning the goniometer in the correct position and ensuring that it is level.

2. Position the luminaire: The next step is to position the luminaire in the correct position. This involves ensuring that the luminaire is positioned in the correct angle and distance from the goniometer.

3. Measure the light output: Once the luminaire is in the correct position, the light output can be measured. This involves using the goniometer to measure the angle of light emitted from the luminaire.

4. Record the results: The results of the goniometer light measurement should be recorded. This includes the angle of light emitted from the luminaire and the light output.

5. Compare the results: The results of the goniometer light measurement should be compared to the required standards. This will help to determine if the luminaire meets the required standards.

Testing LED Luminaires

Once the goniometer light measurement has been completed, the next step is to test the LED luminaires. This involves testing the luminaires to ensure that they meet the required standards. This can be done by using a light meter to measure the light output of the luminaire. The light meter should be used to measure the light output at different angles and distances from the luminaire. The results of the light meter should be compared to the results of the goniometer light measurement to ensure that the luminaire meets the required standards.


Goniometer light measurement is a process used to measure the light output of LED luminaires. It is a step-by-step process that involves the use of a goniometer, a device that measures the angle of light emitted from a light source. This process is used to determine the light output of LED luminaires and to ensure that they meet the required standards. Once the goniometer light measurement has been completed, the next step is to test the LED luminaires. This involves testing the luminaires to ensure that they meet the required standards.


Q: What is goniometer light measurement?
A: Goniometer light measurement is a process used to measure the light output of LED luminaires. It is a step-by-step process that involves the use of a goniometer, a device that measures the angle of light emitted from a light source.

Q: How is goniometer light measurement used?
A: Goniometer light measurement is used to determine the light output of LED luminaires and to ensure that they meet the required standards.

Q: What is the next step after goniometer light measurement?
A: After the goniometer light measurement has been completed, the next step is to test the LED luminaires. This involves testing the luminaires to ensure that they meet the required standards.