LED Testing with Go 5000 Goniophotometer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction to LED Testing with go 5000 goniophotometer

LED testing is an important part of the lighting industry. It is used to measure the performance of LED luminaires and ensure that they meet the required standards. The go 5000 goniophotometer is a powerful tool for LED testing, allowing for accurate and reliable measurements of LED luminaires. This article will provide a step-by-step guide to testing LED luminaires with the Go 5000 goniophotometer.

Step 1: Set Up the goniophotometer

The first step in LED testing with the Go 5000 goniophotometer is to set up the device. This includes connecting the power supply, mounting the LED luminaire, and setting the measurement parameters. The user manual for the Go 5000 Goniophotometer provides detailed instructions on how to set up the device.

Step 2: Measure the LED Luminaire

Once the Goniophotometer is set up, the next step is to measure the LED luminaire. This is done by placing the LED luminaire in the center of the Goniophotometer and then rotating it to measure the light output at different angles. The Go 5000 Goniophotometer is capable of measuring the light output at up to 360 degrees.

Step 3: Analyze the Results

Once the measurements have been taken, the next step is to analyze the results. The Go 5000 Goniophotometer provides a variety of data that can be used to analyze the performance of the LED luminaire. This includes the luminous flux, color temperature, color rendering index, and other important metrics.

Step 4: Compare the Results to Standards

The final step in LED testing with the Go 5000 Goniophotometer is to compare the results to the standards set by the lighting industry. This allows for a comparison of the LED luminaire’s performance to the required standards. If the LED luminaire meets the standards, then it can be certified for use in lighting applications.


LED testing with the Go 5000 Goniophotometer is an important part of the lighting industry. This article has provided a step-by-step guide to testing LED luminaires with the Go 5000 Goniophotometer. This includes setting up the device, measuring the LED luminaire, analyzing the results, and comparing the results to the standards set by the lighting industry.


Q: What is the Go 5000 Goniophotometer?

A: The Go 5000 Goniophotometer is a powerful tool for LED testing, allowing for accurate and reliable measurements of LED luminaires.

Q: How do I set up the Go 5000 Goniophotometer?

A: The user manual for the Go 5000 Goniophotometer provides detailed instructions on how to set up the device.

Q: How do I measure the LED luminaire?

A: The LED luminaire is placed in the center of the Goniophotometer and then rotated to measure the light output at different angles. The Go 5000 Goniophotometer is capable of measuring the light output at up to 360 degrees.

Q: How do I analyze the results?

A: The Go 5000 Goniophotometer provides a variety of data that can be used to analyze the performance of the LED luminaire. This includes the luminous flux, color temperature, color rendering index, and other important metrics.