LED Testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to led testing with labsphere integrating sphere

LEDs are becoming increasingly popular in the lighting industry due to their energy efficiency and long life. However, it is important to ensure that the LED luminaires are tested to ensure they meet the required standards. One of the most effective ways to test LED luminaires is to use a labsphere integrating sphere. This guide will provide an overview of LED testing with Labsphere integrating sphere, including the benefits, the process, and the equipment required.

Benefits of LED Testing with Labsphere integrating sphere

LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere offers a number of benefits. Firstly, it is a non-destructive testing method, meaning that the LED luminaire does not need to be taken apart or damaged in any way. Secondly, it is a fast and accurate method of testing, providing results in a matter of minutes. Finally, it is a cost-effective method of testing, as it requires minimal equipment and can be done in-house.

Process of LED Testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere

The process of LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere is relatively straightforward. Firstly, the LED luminaire is placed in the integrating sphere and the light is measured. The light is then compared to the required standards and any discrepancies are noted. Finally, the results are recorded and the LED luminaire is either accepted or rejected.

Equipment Required for LED Testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere

The equipment required for LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere is relatively simple. Firstly, a Labsphere Integrating Sphere is required. This is a large, hollow sphere with a reflective inner surface. Secondly, a light meter is required to measure the light emitted from the LED luminaire. Finally, a computer is required to record the results.


Q: What is LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere?

A: LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere is a non-destructive testing method used to ensure that LED luminaires meet the required standards. It involves placing the LED luminaire in an integrating sphere and measuring the light emitted.

Q: What are the benefits of LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere?

A: The benefits of LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere include that it is a non-destructive testing method, it is fast and accurate, and it is cost-effective.

Q: What equipment is required for LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere?

A: The equipment required for LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere includes a Labsphere Integrating Sphere, a light meter, and a computer.


LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere is a fast, accurate, and cost-effective method of testing LED luminaires. It is a non-destructive testing method and requires minimal equipment. This guide has provided an overview of LED testing with Labsphere Integrating Sphere, including the benefits, the process, and the equipment required.